Aličković dr. Amra
specialist of oral surgery
St. Azize Šaćirbegović bb, Sarajevo;
Gsm.: +387 (0) 61 37 49 67; Tel: +387 (0) 33 64 50 04;



Teeth Whitening - You can choose

Teeth whitening results are subjective, varying considerably from person to person. Many are immediately delighted with their outcome, while others may be disappointed. Before you embark on any whitening treatment, ask your dentist for a realistic idea of the results you are likely to achieve and how long it should take to achieve them. The bleach preference for in-office whitening, where time is limited, is powerful and fast-acting hydrogen peroxide. When used in teeth bleaching, hydrogen peroxide concentrations range from approximately nine percent to 40 percent. By contrast, the bleach of preference for at-home teeth whitening is slower acting carbamide peroxide, which breaks down into hydrogen peroxide. Carbamide peroxide has about a third of the strength of hydrogen peroxide. This means that a 15 percent solution of carbamide peroxide is the rough equivalent of a five percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Do you have teeth that are crooked, cracked or damaged?

Veneers are porcelain shells applied to the surface of the tooth to cover any discolouration, cracks, gaps, or stains. They are applied to the tooth with a special adhesive and are remodelled to match the shape appearance of your smile.

What is a Dental Prosthetic?

Dental Prosthetic is focuses on tooth replacements such as dentures or dental crowns as well as perfecting the art of tooth whitening and corrective surgery.

What is an Oral Surgereon?

An oral surgeon is a dentist who completes additional years of training to become qualified to perform surgical procedures on the teeth, gums, mouth, and jaws. Root canals, removing wisdom teeth, and surgically repairing damaged gums and jaws are some common procedures done by this type of surgeon.
By seeing an oral surgeon, a patient can be adequately diagnosed and receive treatment of the most severe dental problems.

Oral Surgical Procedures

Facial infections: Pain and swelling in the face or jaws may indicate an infection. Infections in this area of the body can sometimes develop into life-threatening emergencies if not treated promptly and effectively. An oral surgeon can assist in diagnosing and treating this problem. Surgical treatment, if needed, may include cutting into and draining the infected area as well as extracting any teeth that might be involved.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming a common procedure to replace missing teeth, or provide stability to a new or existing denture. Preformed by a dentist or oral surgeon, the procedure for placing a dental implant may vary depending on the technique used by the dentist or surgeon, and type of implant used. Most people that have had a dental implant report the recovery was similar to that of a tooth extraction and they were able to return to normal eating within a week of the procedure.

After one or more teeth have been removed, you will want to do all the right things for the area to heal quickly and smoothly.

Don't be tempted to rinse the area for 24 hours after tooth removal.

•Avoid hot food or drinks until the numbing wears off. You cannot feel pain while you're numb and may burn your mouth. Also take care not to accidentally chew your cheek!
•Don't poke at the extraction site! – keep your fingers and tongue away from this area.
•Avoid sucking (ahem… through straws and stuff), spitting, and blowing your nose (unless you have to). This is because positive or negative pressure could dislodge the blood clot. If you have a cold or allergies or anything that will want you blow your nose or sneeze, take appropriate medications to treat these.
•Try not to smoke for as long as possible afterwards, but at the very least for the rest of the day. Smoking can interfere with the healing process, and also the sucking motion could dislodge the blood clot.
•Avoid alcohol for 24 hours, as it could delay the healing process

Dental implants are recommended in the following situations?

• Patients who do not want dental units polishing in order to have a prosthetic appliance.
• Patients who do not want partial or complete dentures.
• Patients suffering from exaggerated pharyngeal reflex (vomiting) and who can not stand any kind of dentures.
• Patients who wear dentures but want replacement due to functional, aesthetic, psychological and hygienic reasons.
• Patients who want a better chewing to help them with digestion.

Amdenta offers

The Environment: This means, for example, instruments being hidden from sight as much as possible, artwork instead of photos of smile makeovers, friendly colour schemes, music playing in the background, dentists and staff not dressing in traditional medical outfits, and doing away with the "typical" smells associated with dentistry as far as possible.
Communication: Rapport (a harmonious connection) also implies a relationship of equals, where you don't perceive your dentist as a threatening or a condescending figure, but as a partner in your care. Communication means that you do things together with your dentist, rather than your dentist doing things to you.
Psychological Approaches: Step by step - dentist will let you gradually get used to new, unfamiliar things, take things slowly, explain things to you, let you know what s/he is doing and what to expect, and so forth.

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